Mother looking at newborn as she holds him in her arms

Schneck's Family Life Center

From the first positive test to baby’s first breath, we provide expert, personalized care.

New beginnings start at Schneck's Family Life Center - whether you are expecting your first or adding another to your family. Our staff is dedicated to helping you welcome your newborn in a remarkably personal way. And, our state-of-the-art facility is home to many of the finest physicians, nurses, and staff in southern Indiana. When you're expecting the best possible care - we deliver.

It only takes a moment to see what makes the Family Life Center different. It looks and feels much more like home than a traditional hospital. With spacious birthing rooms, state-of-the-art equipment, comfortable post-partum rooms, and family-friendly practices, the comfort and happiness of new mothers and their new bundle of joy is our focus.

Here, the entire childbirth experience takes place in your private room with your family and friends by your side. In addition to five labor and delivery rooms, the Family Life Center has a surgical suite and recovery room for C-sections.

Your baby stays close to you from the moment of birth until time to go home. Baby's golden hour... first bath... first weight... first measurements... All the beautiful things that happen when your baby is born will happen at your bedside, and you can share them when you stay close to home.

BABE Appointment

The Before Admission Baby/Mother Evaluation appointment takes place a few weeks before delivery and streamlines the admission process so you aren't juggling paperwork while in labor!

During your visit, an OB nurse will help you prepare and finalize your birthplan. The nurse will also complete your hospital admission/OB paperwork, review your past medical history, and determine any additional education or information that may be of benefit to you. At this hour-long appointment, the nurse will discuss what to expect when you arrive at the Family Life Center to deliver your baby. Schedule your B.A.B.E pre-admission visit after your 36th week of pregnancy by calling (812) 522-0435.

Schedule your BABE appointment
Close up of little baby who is just waking up

Schneck Offers YoMingo App for New Moms

Schneck is proud to offer our new moms the YoMingo Maternity Education App. Learn about every stage of pregnancy and what to do when baby arrives.

Learn More

Classes and Support

The Family Life Center offers a variety of support groups and educational classes for patients and their families. From learning the basics about breastfeeding to helping your child prepare to be a big brother or sister, our certified nurses provide information you need to help welcome your new baby into the family with ease.

Classes and Events

Breastfeeding Support

Schneck's Family Life Center offers lactation support services to moms wishing to breastfeed their baby. Schneck Medical Center has caring staff who are trained to work with new mothers as they establish breastfeeding with their newborn. They will help you navigate through tough times and answer any questions you have, whether about positioning, under- or over-feeding, pumping, milk storage, engorgement, and more. They’ll even weigh your baby after coaching you through a feeding so you can feel confident that baby is getting enough to eat and gaining weight. Amber Smith, RN, IBCLC is Schneck's Lacation Specialist.

To enhance your nursing experience, the Family Life Center offers breast pumps, nursing bras, tank tops, and breastfeeding accessories for sale. Our lactation specialist, Amber Smith, RN, IBCLC will assist you in choosing the appropriate items for your personal use.

Call our Lactation Specialist RN
Close up of newborn breastfeeding while being held by his mother right after birth

Car Seat Checks

Schneck Medical Center is proud to be a Certified Car Seat Safety Checkpoint. You may schedule your FREE car seat safety check by calling (812) 522-0435. Please allow 30 minutes for each car seat to be checked.

Call to Schedule Your Check

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