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Schneck Bariatrics

At Schneck Bariatrics, our mission is to help you discover a healthier you. If you've struggled to lose weight with diets, exercise, or supplements, then our bariatric weight loss surgery program might be for you.

Life-Changing Weight Loss Solutions

Schneck takes a program approach to medical weight loss because the full journey is more than just having gastric surgery. The process involves providing empowering education to each of our patients that prepares them for a healthier life post-bariatric surgery.

This standard of all-encompassing care is what our bariatric patients have come to expect from Schneck. We're passionate about helping you discover a healthier you.

Bariatric surgery has helped thousands lose significant weight. The procedures we offer, including SADI (single anastomosis duodenal switch), roux en y gastric bypass and vertical sleeve gastrectomy, have been proven to help patients lose up to 70% of excess weight as early as 12 to 18 months after surgery.

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery, also known as gastric bypass or weight loss surgery, is a procedure that alters the stomach and digestive system to aid weight loss. Weight loss surgeries are performed by bariatric surgeons in an effort to reduce a person's likelihood of suffering from an obesity-related health problem such as heart disease or stroke. Medical weight loss procedures are usually recommended after conventional methods such as diet and exercise were unable to lower a person's weight to a healthy level.

Qualifying for Bariatric Surgery

Figuring out if you're a candidate for bariatric surgery is the first step on your journey to better health. In most cases, bariatric surgery is a good choice for someone who has repeatedly tried to get healthy with diet, exercise, or weight loss supplements but hasn’t been successful.

There are additional factors that we look at as we evaluate whether bariatric surgery is a good fit for you. These include your body mass index (BMI), age, and personal commitment to the weight loss program.

Your Weight Loss Journey

Figuring out if you qualify for surgery is just your first step on the weight loss journey. At Schneck, you will have a full team of providers who work with you at every step. From dietitians, to mental health counselors, to your surgeons and staff, our team is here to support you and give you the tools you'll need to be successful.

Age Criteria

  • Patients between the ages of 18 and 65

Patients older than 65 may be considered, depending upon their health. We have completed successful bariatric procedures on patients over the age of 65 with excellent results.

Bariatric Surgery Informational Seminar

Bariatric Surgery is a big step. We want you to be well-informed as you set out on your journey to better health. Take the first step and watch our weight loss seminar to gain an understanding of the bariatric surgery procedure at Schneck and the requirements that help qualify a bariatric surgery patient.

Interest Form & Questionnaire

Ready to talk about your options? Fill out the interest form below and we'll contact you. If you've already booked an appointment, download and print the questionnaire prior to your consultation.

Click the link below to view the interest form. We'll reach out to you as soon as possible. Thank you.

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Click the link below to view and download the questionnaire. Please bring the completed questionnaire to your first appointment.

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Schneck Bariatric Team

Schneck is fortunate to be the home of top-rated bariatric surgeons, nurses, psychologists, and dietitians. We offer expert care for your journey to better health.

headshot of G. Brandon Millick, MD

G. Brandon Millick, MD

Bariatrics/Surgical Weight Loss, General Surgery, da Vinci Surgery View Info »

What to Expect

At Schneck, we generally offer three types of bariatric surgery: gastrectomy Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy

Now Offering, SADI (Single Anastomosis Duodenal Switch)

Dr. Millick is the only surgeon in southern Indiana to offer SADI, an innovative weight loss procedure for those with severe obesity,
typically having a BMI of 40 or greater. The SADI procedure can be done as an initial procedure or a revision to a prior sleeve gastrectomy.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

The sleeve is one of the most commonly performed procedures that we do. It comprises probably around 90 percent of the operations that we perform at Schneck and it's also probably around 70 percent of bariatric surgery procedures performed nationwide. The sleeve requires us to go inside the abdomen and staple off the large portion of the stomach that can expand. That's called the fundus of the stomach. This allows us to recreate the stomach in a much smaller manner which is responsible for you being able to eat less and it also helps control hunger somewhat.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

This type of procedure is much less commonly performed in comparison to sleeve gastrectomy. The Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass involves not taking any of the stomach out but rather stapling across the stomach and creating a small pouch this is then connected to a part of the intestine which is bypassed and creates sort of a situation where we have both a restriction and malabsorption component.

Having bariatric surgery requires lots of education and certain lifestyle changes prior to your operation. The more you prepare, the more successful you'll be afterward. Let's look at the steps you'll take.

Watch our bariatric surgery seminar

We recommend that everyone who is interested in bariatric surgery watch our virtual bariatric seminar to learn more about the procedures we offer.

It's a great idea to contact your insurance company before watching the seminar. Ask what your coverage is for weight loss surgery. We cannot schedule a consultation until we know your coverage.

Gather your health history

During your first consultations with us, we will go over your health history and medical records. Getting this information together can take some time. We advise starting on that process as soon as you understand your insurance coverage.

If you're confused about the information you'll need, we encourage you to call our office for clarification.

Meet your bariatric surgery team

Schneck Bariatrics takes a team approach to your bariatric surgery. On top of meeting with your expertly trained bariatric surgeon, you will meet our staff psychologist and have monthly sessions with a registered dietitian to plan your nutritional requirements for before and after surgery.

You'll also be given a general health evaluation from our nurse practitioner.

Learn about the lifestyle changes you'll need to make

We recommend doing as much as you can ahead of time to learn about life after surgery. Becoming familiar with the foods and portion sizes you’ll be able to eat, and the vitamins and minerals you'll need will make the surgery less of a shock to your lifestyle.
Prior to surgery, you'll be asked to give up drinking alcohol and smoking (for good). And you'll be expected to follow your dietitian's nutritional instructions to the letter.

We promise to do everything in our power to make sure that you are educated and prepared for your bariatric surgery. You can expect to receive in-depth information along with workbooks and checklists to follow as you move through our program.

Go to bariatric surgery support group meetings

Our quarterly support groups are for patients who are considering bariatric surgery and for those who have already had it. Attending the meetings before surgery can help you express your excitement or concerns to a group of people who have been in your shoes.

This is an excellent way to prepare for surgery and to gain insight on what life will be like afterward.

Bariatric surgery is an important step along your journey to better health, but it's the work we do together after surgery that will really determine your success. That's why the Schneck bariatric program follows your progress for life.
Here are some of the things that you can expect after you have bariatric surgery.

Dietary changes

Because your weight loss procedure alters the shape of your stomach, the way you digest food will be different. For a period of time after surgery, certain textures and types of foods will be off limits.

Mealtimes will take more planning. You'll have to measure your portions carefully and eat at certain times of day. And because you're eating less, you'll have to take additional vitamins and minerals to keep your nutrition levels healthy. Your Schneck dietitian will help you establish a regimen and make necessary changes to it as your body adapts to the effects of surgery, so you don’t have to feel like you're doing this on your own. This may help reduce some of the stress you may experience regarding meals.

New fitness expectations

Daily exercise must become part of your routine. This is a key component to getting healthy and maintaining improved health. Any exercise is better than no exercise, even 30 minutes of continuous walking each day makes a big difference.

Emotional ups and downs

Many patients will tell you that life after bariatric surgery can be emotional. In many ways, you're leaving your old self behind, and that can trigger a lot of feelings. The best way to cope with these ups and downs is by keeping a journal or talking to a counselor, such as our team's psychologist.

Our continued commitment to you

Bariatric surgery is an amazing tool for losing weight, but only if you know how to use it. The Schneck bariatric program will show you how to do that.

The first 12 to 18 months after surgery is the peak time for losing weight. You'll have to make the most of this stage because you can’t keep off the weight you never lost. To help you succeed, we schedule our follow-up appointments during this time frame to monitor your progress, but we are always available outside of your scheduled check-ins if you need support.

Here’s our schedule of follow-up appointments after your surgery:

  • 2 to 3 weeks
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 12 months
  • 18 months
  • Yearly thereafter

During follow-up appointments, your dietitian will guide you through the nutritional and fitness benchmarks you should be hitting. These standards will change as your body changes. The Schneck team will educate you so you know what to expect and how to deal with it.

We also have a monthly support group for patients of bariatric surgery. People who regularly attend have expressed that they feel more empowered to continue on their weight loss journey with the support of friends they make in this group.

Talking about your fears and expectations with others who've been in your shoes can be so valuable. Our Bariatric Support Group is designed for people who are getting ready for surgery, and for those who have already had their procedure.

The support group meets quarterly and provides a safe place for people to discuss their weight loss journeys. The group has been around for over 10 years and has more than 75 active members.

Topics and events vary from meeting to meeting, but the focus is always on better health. We have cooking demonstrations and feature guest speakers, such as our staff psychologist, doctors and dietitians. The people you meet in support group will become like family.

Schneck Bariatric Center

We're a top-rated bariatric program offering weight loss surgeries right at home in Seymour, Indiana. Click on a location to see hours of operation.

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