A woman crosses her hands over her chest. She wears a pink tee shirt and a cream cardigan.

Breast Care at Schneck

Experience advanced breast healthcare close to home

Schneck’s primarily female staff, top physicians, and a nurse navigator serve as expert guides for patients. From coordinating appointments and procedures to simplifying patient/doctor communication, letting us take care of the details gives you the freedom to focus on recovery.

The Full Range of Care

From risk-assessing genetic testing to expert breast surgeons, Schneck focuses care on one goal: being well. We offer a range of services that cover the full spectrum of breast health. For patients with a family history of breast cancer, our leading-edge genetic testing provides valuable risk information. For breast cancer patients, our world-class specialists perform life-changing procedures that help you become cancer-free.

Patients do not have to travel for this high level of care. Here, women have the best reasons to stay local. Schneck is committed to each patient as an individual, treating them like family and providing personal consideration in the creation of each program.

A multidisciplinary team meets monthly to review each patient's care and to help create a custom treatment plan for each individual patient. The Cancer Conference includes outstanding physicians, such as Dr. Joyce Iwema, Cancer Liaison Physician also specializes in breast surgery.

For patients with a family history of breast cancer, our leading-edge genetic testing provides valuable risk information. Schneck partners with genetic counselors for patients who face challenging decisions based on their genetic testing outcomes.

Schneck uses state-of-the-art chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgical approaches for those facing a cancer diagnosis. Your physician will help you choose the treatment options that are best for you.

Knowing others have gone through diagnosis, treatment, and recovery is an important part of cancer care. A general support group is offered at the Cancer Center. Schneck partners with the American Cancer Society to offer comprehensive support for all types of cancers.

Spiritual Support

Coordinated through our plan of care, a chaplain minister is available to patients regardless of religious affiliation.

Breast Screenings at Schneck

Schneck is committed to the fight against breast cancer and utilizes the latest and most effective imaging tools.

3D Mammography allows providers to see the breast in greater detail, thus aiding in detecting cancers at a very early stage. Early detection saves lives and discovering early cancerous cells through 3D Mammography greatly improves the chances of a favorable diagnosis.

It also reduces the chance of misdiagnosis. Traditional mammography overlaps, which sometimes leads to a misunderstanding of the tissues. 3D Mammography is able to better understand the breast and prevent misdiagnosis.

Schedule a Mammogram

Screening for breast cancer early provides a greater possibility of successful treatment. Women over the age of 40 or those with a family history of breast cancer should speak with their healthcare provider and schedule regular screenings.

Practice preventative care and schedule your screening today.

Book an Appointment
Woman in the shower performing a breast exam

Same-Day Breast Biopsy

There's good news for women facing a breast biopsy after a suspicious mammogram or physical exam. The Suros® Breast Biopsy System helps our radiologists accurately diagnose breast abnormalities without the need for stitches or a trip to the operating room. Most of the more than 1 million breast biopsies performed each year in the U.S. are still open surgical biopsies, which can leave scarring and result in disfigurement of the breast.

Many women holding a breast cancer ribbon

Here at Schneck, using the Suros Breast Biopsy System means an outpatient procedure that is performed in less than an hour and allows women to return to their normal routine immediately afterward. Patients leave with only a small bandage that covers an incision that is about the size of a match head.

This kind of breast biopsy is easier on the patient, takes less time, and helps us make a highly accurate diagnosis. Women need to know they have options when faced with a breast biopsy.

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women in the U.S., with approximately 175,000 new cases diagnosed each year. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 43,000 women die from the disease each year. A breast biopsy is the only way doctors can determine whether or not a woman has breast cancer, though eight out of ten biopsies are benign.

Women’s Diagnostic Imaging Center

Schneck is committed to Women’s Health and the fight against breast cancer. Our Women’s Diagnostic Imaging Center is at the heart of that fight and utilizes the latest technologies to provide the best possible outcomes.

From special imaging technologists to convenient-to-schedule mammograms, the breast health team can provide an accurate diagnosis. Here, same-day biopsy results mean better care and peace of mind, faster.

Breast Health Providers

Excellent local care from a team of expert physicians and nurses.

Dr Jordan Maryfield

Jordan C. Maryfield, MD

Medical Oncology, Hematology View Info »
Doctor Joyce Iwema

Joyce R. Iwema, MD

General Surgery, da Vinci Surgery View Info »
Doctor Amanda Dick

Amanda M. Dick, MD

General Surgery, da Vinci Surgery View Info »
Headshot of Dr. Antonio Spates

Antonio Spates, MD

General Surgery, da Vinci Surgery View Info »

Additional Breast Health Services

From diagnosis through treatment, the nurse navigator works closely with patients and physicians to facilitate smooth movement through the treatment process. The nurse navigator also performs ongoing assessments to monitor each patient’s progress.

Patients who experience swelling of the upper arm (as a side effect of treatment) are able to have therapy to alleviate symptoms. Therapy for lymphedema is offered through Schneck Rehabilitation Services.

Follow-up care and survivorship are an integral part of the patient’s care plan. A specific, unique survivorship care plan is developed and given to the patient and their family doctor. Care is coordinated by the Cancer Center staff.

Women's Health Locations

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