Get to Know Dr. Secrest
Dr. Desha Secrest specializes in the care of your whole family. Dr. Secrest is part of the team at Schneck Primary Care and is accepting new patients.
Call for an appointmentDr. Desha Secrest is a primary care physician at Schneck Primary Care. She provides care for patients of any age.
Residency - Family Medicine
Atlanta Medical Center - Atlanta, Georgia
Medical School
Indiana University School of Medicine - Indianapolis, Indiana
Bachelor of Science
Purdue University - West Lafayette, Indiana
"Dr. Secrest deserves a medal! I finally feel more myself than ever. She is so caring about how I'm feeling. Thank God she's here!"
~ Sheila - Schneck Primary Care patient
Dr. Desha Secrest specializes in the care of your whole family. Dr. Secrest is part of the team at Schneck Primary Care and is accepting new patients.
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