4 Health Issues You Can Avoid by Taking Care of Your Feet

| Preventative Care

Your feet are the foundation of most of your daily activities, whether you realize it or not. Maybe they help you do your job, run marathons, go to school—or all the above! No matter how you use them, your feet get you through a lot.

The American Podiatric Medical Association found 8 out of 10 Americans have experienced a foot problem, from chronic foot pain to an ingrown toenail. Foot health is critical. In fact, taking care of your feet can help you avoid more than just foot pain. Our team at Schneck Podiatry has listed these four health issues you can prevent by taking care of your feet.

1. Heart and Weight Concerns

If you struggle with even minor foot pain, you are more likely to decrease movement and exercise. However, maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is vital to avoiding heart and weight issues.

Staying active and participating in regular cardiovascular exercise contributes to better overall health, and your feet play a big role in that. Therefore, taking care of your feet will take care of the rest of your body.

2. Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the ligament that supports the arch in your foot becomes irritated and inflamed. It can be caused by running, high-impact activity, improper shoes, or tight muscles or tendons.

Plantar fasciitis can be easy to treat but can persist if not properly cared for. To prevent plantar fasciitis from developing, listen to your body and reduce arch stress by following these tips:

  • Find the right shoe that prevents arch stress. In general, shoes should be stiff. Avoid really flexible shoes.
  • Ask your doctor about taking over-the-counter medication to reduce swelling.
  • Give your feet plenty of rest when you feel strain in your arch.
  • Stretch your arch frequently by grabbing your toes, pulling them towards you for 30 seconds, and stretching your calf muscles.

3. Decreased Mobility

Movement is good for your body and mind, whether exercising, working, or getting to the kitchen. If you’ve ever suffered illness or injury that kept you off your feet, then you know that choosing to sit all day is different than having to.

As we age, mobility becomes critical as it plays a role in decreasing rates of disease, disability, hospitalization, and death. It affects not only your physical health but also your social and emotional health, as a lack of mobility can cause feelings of isolation. Not being able to incorporate activity with others in your daily life will limit your social interactions.

Taking care of your feet allows you the mobility and freedom to move about your day. (Bonus: Getting up and moving around can make your day less stressful!)

4. Common Foot Pain

Of course, taking care of your feet helps avoid common foot pain, too. These issues include:

And more—most of which can be pretty easily avoided. Make sure you’re keeping your feet dry and wearing shoes with the right size and support for whatever you do. Shoes that are too tight, have too high of a heel, or don’t have enough support can harm your feet and lead to bigger issues.

Need Relief?

If you’re experiencing foot pain or want to know more about how to care for your feet, our board-certified podiatrists can help.

Take the first step and request an appointment today!

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